
Regional Connection Base
CulturBase Network

CulturBase Network

Regional Connection Base
An online portal and network that supports artists with matters of marketing, distriburtion and communication of their work to the audience. It is linked to NRW Kulturserver, a blog and calender of events of different art disciplines in NRW.

NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste

NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste

Regional Connection Base
Become a member! Their newsletter has helpful and comprehensive information about a variety of topics, networking, funding, qualification. It is a great organization to be constantly in contact with. Subscribe to their newsletter, it is very informative!
Extra Tip: Check out regularly their “Freie Markt” Site

NRW Landesbüro Tanz

NRW Landesbüro Tanz

Local + Regional Connection Base
A MUST! They are a regional organization, but their office is in Cologne, so you can go visit them.
A contact point for the professional dance scene in NRW. It initiates projects, cooperations and discourses in the field of professional contemporary dance and supports the work of dance professionals in NRW, offering collegial advice and organizing formats for exchange and qualification. They have a regional calender where you can publish your upcoming events.
Extra Tip: They send an reminder per e-mail to send your up-coming dates to be published on their printed and online Tanzkalender free of charge. Contact the team from PR to receive this reminders.

Cheers for Fears

Cheers for Fears

Regional Connection Base
A contact spot for art students and young artists in NRW since 2015. Directed by Jascha Sommer and Sina-Marie Schneller, CfF organizes different exchange interdisciplinary formats.