

This perspective has to do with our responsibility to be aware and report discrimination and racism in our professional field. No matter if it is about everyday discrimination or the deep routed structural racism, this social problem must stop, and we are all responsible for this change.

How is the treatment between the people participating in the process?
What can I do if I notice I am being discriminated?
What can I do if I notice someone is being discriminated?
How can I make sure not to exploit identities?

Hint: Read the checklist “Antidiscrimination” and pay close attention the points made there when engaging in projects.

Kanzlei Laaser

Kanzlei Laaser

National Connection Base
The lawyer Sonia Laaser and her law office are rockstars in matters of contracts, KSK, GEMA, taxes, and the whole legal world that surround our artistic work. She provides compact information about several topics on her website, and in case needed, personal consultation. Her fees are on the website.

Working Conditions

A list of questions to make sure you have thought about and communicated important aspects of the working conditions before starting a project. Includes questions about: Time, Space, Payment, Creative Process, Collaboration with spaces