National Connection Base
A recognized professional association of theaters in Germany without their own ensemble, they connect organizers and ensembles. Not for newcommers. The ensembles need to have at least 5 performers. It has a database for spaces, guest productions, etc.
This perspective has to do with your artistic practice, the questions and decisions about your individual approach and your “handwriting”. It is related to how you structure your creative process and to your aesthetic experience.
What space do I need to create?
What interests me right now?
What formats do I enjoy the most?
When do I feel the most creative?
Who inspires me?
What do I want to share?
How do I start creating?
How much time do I need?
Hint: The self-interview (Link: can help articulate your thoughts. A vast list of questions about the artistic practice can be found at (
NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste
Regional Connection Base
Become a member! Their newsletter has helpful and comprehensive information about a variety of topics, networking, funding, qualification. It is a great organization to be constantly in contact with. Subscribe to their newsletter, it is very informative!
Extra Tip: Check out regularly their “Freie Markt” Site
NRW Landesbüro Tanz
Local + Regional Connection Base
A MUST! They are a regional organization, but their office is in Cologne, so you can go visit them.
A contact point for the professional dance scene in NRW. It initiates projects, cooperations and discourses in the field of professional contemporary dance and supports the work of dance professionals in NRW, offering collegial advice and organizing formats for exchange and qualification. They have a regional calender where you can publish your upcoming events.
Extra Tip: They send an reminder per e-mail to send your up-coming dates to be published on their printed and online Tanzkalender free of charge. Contact the team from PR to receive this reminders.
Profitraining Köln e.V.
Local Connection Base
The local profitraining at the Tanzfaktur, every day from 10 to 11:30. Great space to connect and to keep on dancing! It is an association (Verein), so it needs members to keep on going, it is not taken for granted that there is a daily profitraining in the city. It is all because of this people working for it. So go to class & join the association.
Oral Site | The Dancer as Agent Collection
A collection of texts as a consequence of the Dancer as Agent Conference 2013 in DOCH Stockholm.
Teaching for people who prefer not to teach
(PLATZHALTER) Ein Kompas für okolögisch nachhaltiges Produzieren im Kulturberiech. A compass for ecologically sustainable production in the cultural sector,...
Working Conditions
A list of questions to make sure you have thought about and communicated important aspects of the working conditions before starting a project. Includes questions about: Time, Space, Payment, Creative Process, Collaboration with spaces